Biometric Access Control System and CCTV can Secure Your Place

Biometrics is being used more and more to identify person on the basis of some of their basic characteristic features such iris, finger print, hand, speech recognition, face and many more. Biometric access control systems are used by the offices as well as residence to allow only a limited number of people into the premises. This advanced system uses physiological as well as behavioural characteristic features of a person in order to restrict entry or exit from the commercial or residential spaces. 

Biometric access control system is a highly secured one because of the following reasons:
  1. This system is a unique one because only those people are allowed inside or outside an office or residence whose behavioral and physiological features are inputted in the Biometric access control system. This process of verification makes the entire arena fully safe and secured. The Biometric access control system makes security of a designated place fully secured.
  2. Even if a person intends to share the details of his access to a Biometric access control system to another person, it is not possible (unless it is a sci-fi movie). This is because every person has his or her specific physiological and behavioral characteristic features. Every person has unique fingerprint, face structure, iris and many more. These characteristics cannot be shared with others, even when the person having the access wants to share it. The password of entry through Biometric access control system cannot be shared because it remains with the person itself. This password can only get destroyed if the concerned person dies or the concerned characteristic features get mutilated due to accident.
  3. The characteristics of specific body parts of human being cannot be replicated by another person in the whole world because they are distinct in every person. There are various physiological factors in our body that are unique. Some of these unique physiological features include finger print, hand, speech, iris, face and many more. A person cannot replicate these features and this is the reason why Biometric access control systems are full proof and highly secured. If a person has entrance permit through such a Biometric system then no one can pass through that system other than that person itself because the mentioned physiological as well as behavioral features can’t be replicated by others.
  4. Loss of the password of Biometric access control system by a person is not possible because these features are intrinsic to those people only. The data or password of accessing the Biometric access control system can only get lost when the concerned person either dies or gets the physiological or behavioural characteristics mutilated due to accident.
Biometric access control systems are mostly used by the commercial spaces and offices to restrict the free entrance of unknown people into the premises. Many residences are also installing this system to make their place more secured. The commercial offices are also installing CCTV cameras to make their security guarding system full proof. Hence, it can be summarized that Biometric access control systems along with CCTV cameras can make a place completely safe and secured.

Fingerprint Recognition Biometric Access Control System for Security Guarding

Fingerprint recognition through biometric access control system is regarded as one of the most advanced forms of security guarding. This has become essential for the residences as well as the offices to install this guarding system so that they can protect themselves from the increasing incidences of anti social activities. The numbers of criminal activities like theft, armed robbery, vandalism and many more have become rampant. In fact, the goons are targeting the offices, shops, small businesses and residences too. To check these types of security breaches in the restricted areas, biometric access control systems and CCTV cameras are increasingly being used in the offices, shops and residential places.   

More and more corporations are installing finger recognition biometric access control systems in their state of the art office buildings so that they can protect the employees as well as the equipments of the company.
In the biometric access control system, the finger print samples are fed into the centralised machine installed in the office. Finger prints of only those people are fed into the systems who are allowed to enter the premises of an office, commercial space or residential area. If a person wants to enter the premises then he or she has to place the finger on a specific place of the biometric access control machine. The machine, in turn, scans the finger print and matches the same with those stored in the system. If the concerned finger print matches with one of those stored in the biometric access control system then the system allows the person to enter or exit the premises.
The most significant aspect of this finger print recognition system is that certain body parts of human beings are absolutely unique. Every person has his or her own unique characteristic feature. For example, a person has his unique iris, finger print, face. Any two person of the world cannot have same iris, finger print, etc. In fact, science has not advanced so much till date that they can replicate these body parts. Hence, it can be concluded that biometric access control systems are fully secured and can’t be breached by any intruder.
Biometric access control systems are used in various security guarding purposes, either in commercial offices or residences. Security guarding of such places can be increased manifolds with the installation of CCTV cameras along with finger print access control system

In the commercial places, finger print recognition systems have many uses. It helps the company to keep a record of the login and logout time of the employees. Moreover, it can also track the various time intervals during which an employee was not inside the office. In this way, the Human Resource department can calculate the effective time frame of an employee’s stay inside the office. The data gets stored in the system and can be used for future use. In case of the residence too, the biometric access control systems are increasingly being used. To make the entire security guarding system more secured, CCTV cameras are installed in addition to biometric access control system.

Security Guard Services are Must for Restaurants, Bars & Clubs – Why?

Restaurants, bars and clubs are busy places where many people gather to chill. However, after certain pegs, people may lose control and may get involved in brawls. In fact, various kinds of security breaches may take place too.  These are the places that remain busy throughout the clock. In fact, it has been observed that the busiest places are tough to be managed and at the same time keep everything in order. 
 Nightclubs and bars are the two places where people go for fun, entertainment and alcohol. Once people have taken alcohol many a times they behave irresponsibly. Once people lose control over themselves, it becomes nearly impossible to control them. This is when normal people start behaving rowdily. However, this should be mentioned here that every people who have taken alcohol don’t behave irresponsibly. These are the reasons why nightclubs, bars and restaurants should have security guard services. Manned guarding helps these places a lot in managing people. 

If uniformed security guards are kept at the clubs, restaurants and bars then it has its own effects too because the miscreants would not find courage in doing the wrong works and vandalism in front of the security services. In fact, appointing security guard services will also give a sense of security as well as safety to the customers. Professional security guard services minimise obnoxious behaviour of drunken customers, harassment and theft from the clubs, restaurants and bars. You can thus give a calm, relaxing and surreal environment to your customers by appointing security guard services at your restaurant or bar. In fact, enhanced manned guarding to a place can be an USP (Unique Selling Point) of a restaurant, where people would love to throng with their friends for enhanced security.
If there is any unruly guest then the manager does not always have to control him or her because a security guard is appointed to make that guest show the door or give warning to the concerned person. Renowned and reputed security services appoint professional security officers who have the required knowledge and experience in tackling difficult situations like brawl. In addition, these specialists also know how to take care of the other guests and customers present at the restaurant or pub or nightclub. They are experienced in keeping their customers away from such incidents. Security guard teams are adept with the skill of handling disputes, violence and different forms of vandalisms.

More and more business professionals are opting for restaurants, nightclubs and bars for liaison. In fact, many businesses finalise their multimillion deals in these places itself. This is one of the biggest reasons for these places to appoint manned guarding as well as high tech artificial security gadgets. 

If these places become chaotic then these big business honchos will not visit these places for making multimillion dollar business deals. A fully managed and secured place will attract more and more customers. In fact, the managers of these places can showcase their high end security services for attracting more and more customers to their fold. These are the reasons why bars, restaurants and clubs need security guard services.

Biometric Access Control for Security Guarding – Pros & Cons

Biometric Access Control System – A Simplified Overview
Biometric access control system is based on identification of the behavioural as well as physiological characteristic features of individuals. There are some behavioural and physiological features of human beings which are unique in every individual. This is the reason why biometric access control system is regarded as the full proof security guarding system available till date. As these features are non-replicable, the safety and security provided by the biometric identification is most reliable. Biometric access control system can thus differentiate between an authorised person and a fraudulent person.
Due to the full proof security given by the Biometric access control systems, these are increasingly being used by the offices as well as residential buildings. These unique security guarding facilities are done through scanning. Various kinds of biometric scanners are available in the market and some of them are mentioned below:
  • Scanning of iris of the eye with the help of iris scanners
  • Scanning of face with the help of face identification machine
  • Shape of hands can be scanned through Biometric access control system
  • Fingerprints are scanned by the scanner and helps in identification of authorised and fraudulent person
This identification system has many advantages and some disadvantages. These aspects are discussed in this article along with their practical applications in our daily lives. 

Biometric Access Control System – Explanation to Know the Advantages
These systems are preferred by the offices as these are better alternatives to password and PIN based verifications. The reasons are given below:
a)      In case of Biometric access control system, the physical presence of the authorised person is a must because has or she has to show the identification body part to the scanner of the system. Thus, security breach can never happen in this case.
b)      In case of Biometrics, the concerned authorised person is not required to carry cards or verification passwords.
c)       Biometric access control system provides complete safety and security to the office.
The basic three steps of Biometric access control systems are:
d)      Enrolment – The samples of characteristic feature of body parts of authorised person are taken, who are called enrolee. These samples are fed in the machines and the entire biometric of the enrolee is created.
e)      Template – Data that represents the biometric of an employee is mapped by the system, leading to the generation of a comprehensive template.
f)       Matching – In this step the template or collected samples that are fed in the system are compared with that of the live biometric sample so that the concerned person is allowed to enter the premises. 
These systems are absolutely full proof because they cannot be replicated or stolen by miscreants. Thus, the question of allowing a fraudulent person through the Biometric access control system does not arise. However, in case of the traditional Pin and password identification systems, the passwords or cards can be stolen but not in case of Biometric access control system. 
Some of the glaring disadvantages are mentioned below:
  1. These machines are more expensive than the traditional PIN and password ones.
  2. In case of voice identification, Biometric access control system may not work properly if the voice of the authorised person gets distorted in any manner, say, due to cough and cold.
  3. Biometric access control system may also not work in case of face identification if the authorised person becomes obese. 

Manned Guarding with Other Security Guarding Systems at Apartment Building

Manned security guarding should be included in the apartment building so that the living space becomes safer and secured. However, many people have a false sense of security in the high rise condominiums and apartment buildings. One of the main reasons of such misconception is that no single path approach single units of the building. Thus, many people get fooled to think that their premises will never get intruded by vandals, thieves, burglars or other unwanted elements. The reality is very different. If an apartment does not have manned guarding system then the building committee should think again in installing such a system in place to make the same intrusion free. If you have manned security guards in your place then you can make the place along with your family and belongings safe and secured. 
 In case of the apartment buildings, installation of security guards becomes extremely important because passage through the entrance gate can give an intruder access to all the units in the apartment building. In case of homes, it has been found that people install security gadgets in their house. As the entire building is not the property of one person, so the installation of the gadgets is not that much popular. However, such gadgets should be included with urgency. In the absence of security gadgets, security guarding becomes very essential. This is why manner security guards are required in the high rise condos as well as the apartment buildings.
In most of the apartments front gates are there, which required manned secured guarding to check the free entry and exit of people. The security guarding system can be enhanced in the building by installing high end gadgets around the building complex. This will potentiate the efficacy of manned guarding system of the building. In many apartment buildings it has been seen that phone systems are installed at the gate. A person who wants to enter a building needs to talk to the owner of the unit to get permission for entering the premises. If the owner gives permission then only he or she can enter the apartment building complex.
The other security guarding systems that can be installed in addition to manned guarding are given below:
Door or Window Sensors – This is a sensor which gets activated if someone tries to enter the premise through the window or door without permission. This sensor works on magnets. Mostly, this sensor is activated in the night time to stop the burglars and thieves from breaking in. If someone tries to breaking, the siren associated with the door or window sensor will start buzzing, intimating the residents about the miscreants. These sensors potentiate safety and manned security of a unit in a building. 

 CCTV – Closed Circuit Television is an effective system which helps security guards to keep a watch at all nooks and corners of apartment building. Manned guarding can be done at certain strategic places only. However, it cannot keep watch at all possible places of intrusion. CCTV can watch where normal manned guarding cannot reach.

Fingerprint Recognition Biometric Access Control System - Advancement and Uses

Biometric Access Control System – Advanced Security Guarding
Security guarding has advanced a lot in the past few years. This had become essential because of the increasing cases of criminal activities across the world. Terrorism, vandalism, riots and other anti social activities are at an all time high level. This is why CCTV cameras and other biometric access control systems have become so important in our lives. Manned guarding has always played an important role in security guarding. However, with the rise of tech savvy miscreants across the globe, advanced security guarding system has become a necessity. That’s why technically advanced guarding systems including CCTVs and biometric access control systems have become so important in our lives. To safeguard personal property and employees, corporations and business houses are installing fingerprint recognition access control system.
In this system, the samples of fingerprints of people who are allowed in a premise are fed in the centralised computer of a building. Once a person wants to enter the concerned premise then the person would require giving his or her fingerprint on the machine. If the fingerprint of that person matches with any one of the fingerprints fed in the biometric access control system then the concerned person will be allowed to get into the premise. As biometrics of human beings like face, fingerprints, iris, etc cannot be replicated, security guarding through biometric access control systems are full proof.   

Purposes of Biometric Access Control System in Our Everyday Lives
Biometric access control system has advanced a lot and is being used for various purposes. The purpose of use of fingerprint recognition through this system are categorised below:
  1. Offices and Commercial Spaces
Fingerprint recognition is used in offices and commercial buildings for various reasons. One of the most important reasons is that it helps the management to know the number of times an employee goes out and comes in. This helps the HRs to calculate the effective time an employee spends time in the office. The number of breaks an employee takes can also be calculated with the help of biometric access control system. This unique security system also helps offices to bar unwanted people into the premises. As no one can replicate biometrics, the chances of frauds are nil in this case. The data gets saved in the computer system permanently and can be checked by the management personnel whenever required.

  1. Residential Place
Fingerprint recognition with the help of biometric access control system makes the residential complex or a unit of an apartment complex absolutely secured from unwanted people. Those people who are allowed through the system can only pass through the concerned system. Other people who want to enter the premises without permission cannot get through this advanced security guarding system. The security of a residential complex can be made full proof with the installation of CCTV cameras around the complex. This will help the security guards to locate any kind of anomalies or intrusion happing at places of the complex that is not secured by fingerprint access control system. 
Biometric access control system has become very important for every sphere of our lives because of the high end security solutions.


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