Comprehensive and Customised Security Guard Services from Guarding Professionals

Security services have become essential for our lives. Whether we are staying at our apartments or working in commercial buildings, we require security guard services. There are numerous security guard services available. However, all of them neither have the requisite equipments nor the manpower. While choosing a security guarding company it should be checked whether they have all the latest gadgets of security guarding and at the same time have adequate manned guarding facilities. Permanent and temporary security guard services are also provided by the renowned security services. If you require comprehensive security guard services then you should ask security services from Guarding Professional, one of the leading names in manned guarding and technologically advanced guarding services. They provide their services to both residences and offices.
Requirements of guarding change from residence to residence and from office to office. Thus, it is always desirable that a company provides tailor made services to its clients. Every customer is important and everyone has his or her own requirements. If a company can’t give customized service then such a security guard company should not be preferred. Guarding Professional is such a company that is specialised in offering superior security services in the most customised manner.    
Guarding Professional offers a wide spectrum of security guard services including:
Patrol Service – Properties, whether it is commercial or residential, need constant watch. Site officers are provided by Guarding Professionals for patrolling the designated properties all the time so that no intrusion can take place at any time of the day. The geographical area for which this type of security guard service is required is assigned by the client and the most tailor made service is given by Guarding Professionals. The manned guarding facility of this security guard company is considered to be one of the best.
Door Supervision - The bars, hotels and clubs need smooth and safe functioning. This requires supervision of the doors. Door supervision facility is given by Guarding Professionals by providing qualified and licensed security guard and door supervisor services.
Round The Clock CCTV Security Guarding Facility ­– CCTV cameras can keep a watch at places where it is not possible by manned security guards. In such a case, Close Circuit Televisions are connected with the set of cameras so that different parts of the buildings can be watched and made intruder free. Whether it is hospital, government buildings, corporate houses or universities, CCTV security services have become extremely essential.
Latest Access Control Systems – Biometric access control system is provided by Guarding Professionals. This unique system makes the place 100% secured. It is being used by the offices as well as the residences. Biometric access control system uses the unique characteristics of human body to distinguish one person from the other. Some of these unique human body characteristic features are fingerprints, retina, iris, etc. Every person has a unique fingerprint, iris and retina. These unique features, of those people who will be allowed to go in a certain area, will be scanned and inserted in the database of a certain commercial or residential complex. Once a person tries to go in that area, these unique features will be required to be scanned and then matched with those inserted into the database. If the samples match then the person will be allowed in the premise. Otherwise he or she will be barred.
The other security guard services offered by Guarding Professionals are monitoring facility, comprehensive security for both private and public sectors, close protection officer provision service and many more. Avail comprehensive and customised security guard services from Guarding professionals for safe and secured functioning of offices and residences.

Biometric Access Control System is Better than Other Access Control Systems

Biometric Access Control System and Other Access Control Systems
Access control systems help authorities in limiting access of people in a certain area. In fact, reach to resources can also be controlled with the help of access control systems. The most common system includes physical systems like lock and key. Computer based access control systems are also available in the market. The swipe cards bar codes and many other are examples of computer based systems. One of the most popular forms of computer based access control systems is the PIN system used in the ATMs. However, the most effective one is the biometric access control system. 

Physical Access Control System
It is the commonest forms of access control. It may depend on authorisation, payment and many other factors. It may happen that only one way passage is provided. This happens mostly in passage areas that are enforced by ticket checkers, guards or doormen. The most common forms of physical access control are locks and keys used in our doors. However, they are not considered as the safest and most secured forms of safeguarding your place. Ticket controllers or security guards can also be considered among the physical access control system because they allow a person to pass to certain area only when he or she shows a certificate of allowance such as ticket, form, etc. Other examples of physical security guarding solutions are bouncers at discotheques, guards, receptionists at offices and else.
Locks and keys have been the traditional forms of restricting people from coming to our houses. The person who has the key of the lock can only enter a house or room. Thus, it secures the place. But the increasing sophistication of the thieves and robbers has made this traditional form of access control a bit ineffective. You simply open up the newspaper and you will find so many instances of breaking in of thieves and robbers in our residential spaces. This is why security guarding has so much important.
CCTV Footages and Security Guarding – Real Time and Recorded
Many residences and offices are installing CCTV cameras at strategic points so that live and recorded forms of the proceedings are available. These Close Circuit Televisions (CCTVs) are attached with a centrally monitored screen, which is monitored by security personnel all the time. In fact, the footages are recorded continuously so that the criminal or miscreant can be caught by going through the CCTV footages.
Biometric Access Control Systems
Biometrics is nothing but special features of human beings, which are specific to specific individuals. Some of the biometrics includes fingerprints, retina, iris and many more. Biometrics of those people who are allowed in a premise are scanned and fed in access control systems. If the biometrics of a person does not match with that of the fed biometrics then the machine itself denies entrance to the restricted premise.
Biometric access control systems are based upon two characteristic features of individuals: Physical Features and Behavioural Features. The physical features include face recognition, fingerprints, iris, retina, size of nose and many more. On the other hand, behavioural features include typing rhythm, voice recognition and many more. Biometric access control systems use these features to provide ultimate security and safety to a place.

Biometric Access Control System – What Are the Reasons to Choose It?

Biometric access control system is known as one of the most updated versions of security guarding. If you want to give access to restricted number of people to enter your premises and make it 100 percent secured then biometric access control system is the one for you. You can use it in your residential complex, apartment or in office premises. There are many reasons for a company or a person to use advanced forms of security guarding. Security of the place will increase with the installation of the CCTV cameras. 

The most popular forms of this system include fingerprint, iris and retina access control. If the inputted sample gets verified with the scanned biometric then the person having that biometrics enter the premise.
Reasons to Install Biometric Access Control System
The top 4 reasons are mentioned below:
1st Reason: Efficiency of the System
As already mentioned above, the most popular biometric is the fingerprint. Sample data of the people who are allowed in the premise are collected and inputted in the biometric access control system. If you want to enter the concerned premise then your fingerprint should match with any one of the inputted fingerprint samples. Once the fingerprints match, you will be allowed to enter the premise. In case, your fingerprint does not match with that of the inputted sample, you will not be given permission of entrance. It should be mentioned here that every person has a different fingerprint. Not a single fingerprint will match with that of another. Thus, every fingerprint is unique and thus there is no chance of another person of getting into the premise through biometric access control system. Hence, this system is a full proof one. Moreover, miscreants will not be able to breach this security because they will not be able to replicate another person’s fingerprint. Hence, it can be said that efficiency of biometric access control system is very high.
This system is considered better than other computerised access control systems because bar codes can be erased or tampered with. Swiping of cards can also lead to disputes. Thus, biometric access control systems are considered as more efficient than the other access control systems.
2nd Reason - Ease of Setting Up
The software that records the biometric and verifies the sample is available over the internet. Thus, anyone can download this software from the net and install the same in his or her preferred place. The process of identification process is also very lucid and punching of numbers is not required here.
3rd Reason – Technological Support is of Advanced Form
The fingerprint biometric access control system gives support to Windows server integration and languages. This helps in better tracking. In case of the card based control systems, this facility is not available.
4th Reason – Replication of Biometrics is Impossible
Biometrics is nothing but features of human body that are unique. These features include iris, retina, fingerprints and many more. No one can replicate biometrics. In case of cards, the bar codes are used for identification. Many a times, these bar codes have been found to have been fabricated. Biometric access control system eliminates chances of duplication.

Biometric Access Control Systems – Consult Experts before Installing

Biometric Access Control System and Security Guarding
Security guarding has become a necessity for offices as well as residential complexes. Manned guarding is one way of guarding but it is not sufficient. High end access control systems are the flavour of the season. Biometric access control system is one of the most secured security guarding systems available. If it is coupled with CCTV cameras then the entire building or portion of it can be made completely secured. 

Access Control Systems of Varying Security
Access control can involve bar code matching, swiping of card and many things else. However, these systems can get replicated. This is why biometric access control systems have come to place. These systems are fed with biometrics or impressions of certain body parts of certain people, especially those who are allowed to access the premise. When people try to enter these restricted places, they have to go through these systems. If the scanned body parts match with any one of the fed data then the person will be allowed, otherwise access will be denied. These body parts include fingerprints, iris, retina and many more. These body parts are unique in every person, which cannot be copied. This is why Biometric access control is regarded as the most secured system, which keeps the place safe and secured.   
Biometric Access Control Systems and Expert Consultation
CCTV, biometric access control system and manned security guarding have become very important for commercial as well as residential complexes. However, at the time of buying these systems or services, you should take professional help. If you consult a professional then you can know the nitty-gritty of biometric access control systems, their effectiveness, area of placement and many more. Mapping is a very essential part of these systems and it can only be planned and done by an expert. This is why it is very important for you to consult all these issues with a security guarding professional expert.
Easiness as well as complexity of different access control systems differs from one another. In many cases, punching a certain number or code can give you access. However, in many cases giving access can involve various steps and sometimes become cumbersome. This entire system of complexity can be customised in accordance with the needs. A company may want to differentiate between the different visitors. Employees can be given permission to allow the main entrance with a simpler version of the security guarding system, whereas other visitors would be required to pass through stricter access control. These types of customisations can only be done by experts and thus consulting a professional of biometric access control system will be beneficial for you.  Install biometric access control in your office or residential complex to make it safe and secured.
Size of the room or complex where the system will be installed is also taken into consideration at the time of installation. This is why the importance of consulting an expert before buying a biometric access control system is so important.


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