Biometric Access Control System is Better than Other Access Control Systems

Biometric Access Control System and Other Access Control Systems
Access control systems help authorities in limiting access of people in a certain area. In fact, reach to resources can also be controlled with the help of access control systems. The most common system includes physical systems like lock and key. Computer based access control systems are also available in the market. The swipe cards bar codes and many other are examples of computer based systems. One of the most popular forms of computer based access control systems is the PIN system used in the ATMs. However, the most effective one is the biometric access control system. 

Physical Access Control System
It is the commonest forms of access control. It may depend on authorisation, payment and many other factors. It may happen that only one way passage is provided. This happens mostly in passage areas that are enforced by ticket checkers, guards or doormen. The most common forms of physical access control are locks and keys used in our doors. However, they are not considered as the safest and most secured forms of safeguarding your place. Ticket controllers or security guards can also be considered among the physical access control system because they allow a person to pass to certain area only when he or she shows a certificate of allowance such as ticket, form, etc. Other examples of physical security guarding solutions are bouncers at discotheques, guards, receptionists at offices and else.
Locks and keys have been the traditional forms of restricting people from coming to our houses. The person who has the key of the lock can only enter a house or room. Thus, it secures the place. But the increasing sophistication of the thieves and robbers has made this traditional form of access control a bit ineffective. You simply open up the newspaper and you will find so many instances of breaking in of thieves and robbers in our residential spaces. This is why security guarding has so much important.
CCTV Footages and Security Guarding – Real Time and Recorded
Many residences and offices are installing CCTV cameras at strategic points so that live and recorded forms of the proceedings are available. These Close Circuit Televisions (CCTVs) are attached with a centrally monitored screen, which is monitored by security personnel all the time. In fact, the footages are recorded continuously so that the criminal or miscreant can be caught by going through the CCTV footages.
Biometric Access Control Systems
Biometrics is nothing but special features of human beings, which are specific to specific individuals. Some of the biometrics includes fingerprints, retina, iris and many more. Biometrics of those people who are allowed in a premise are scanned and fed in access control systems. If the biometrics of a person does not match with that of the fed biometrics then the machine itself denies entrance to the restricted premise.
Biometric access control systems are based upon two characteristic features of individuals: Physical Features and Behavioural Features. The physical features include face recognition, fingerprints, iris, retina, size of nose and many more. On the other hand, behavioural features include typing rhythm, voice recognition and many more. Biometric access control systems use these features to provide ultimate security and safety to a place.



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